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Food Analysis

Elikem Folivi Tayko
Dec 3, 20243 min read
Non-destructive authentication of melon seed (Cucumeropsis mannii) powder using a pocket-sized near-infrared (NIR) spectrophotometer with multiple spectral preprocessing
Plant proteins play a major role in human nutrition, especially in developing countries where it is needed to utilize proteins from all acce
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Elikem Folivi Tayko
Nov 21, 20243 min read
Comparison of Multiple NIR Spectrometers for Detecting Low-Concentration Nitrogen-Based Adulteration in Protein Powders
The human body requires protein to perform some important functions, which makes protein an important nutritional requirement
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Elikem Folivi Tayko
Nov 14, 20243 min read
Combining NIR spectroscopy with chemometrics for discriminating naturally ripened banana and calcium carbide ripened banana
Fruits are essential and nutritionally indispensable food commodities that form a part of a balanced diet.
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Elikem Folivi Tayko
Oct 30, 20242 min read
Detection and quantification of groundnut oil adulteration with machine learning using a comparative approach with NIRS and UV–VIS
Groundnut oil is known as a good source of essential fatty acids which are significant in the physiological development of the human body.
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Elikem Folivi Tayko
Oct 17, 20242 min read
New Horizons for Millet: Food and Nutrition Security
Food and nutrient insecurity are threats to human survival, and in the wake of climatic modifications, water scarceness, increasing world po
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Elikem Folivi Tayko
Oct 3, 20241 min read
Physico-chemical and chemometric analysis of milk chocolate sold in Ghana using NIR spectroscopy
This study developed a rapid and non-destructive method to predict the quality of chocolate obtained from three different sales outlets .
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Nelson Quarshie Attipoe
Jul 9, 20243 min read
Molecular Spectroscopy: A Wild “Industrial” Revolution Making Waves in Food Authenticity
In today's global market, where consumer demand for high-quality, authentic food products is at an all-time high, food fraud is gradually...
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Nelson Quarshie Attipoe
Jul 8, 20244 min read
The Evolution of Food Quality Assessment: E-tongue, E-nose, and NIR Spectroscopy
In today's global food market, especially considering the rising world population, it is more important, now more than ever, to ensure...
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Nelson Quarshie Attipoe
Jul 3, 20243 min read
Electronic nose & tongue (Advanced Sensor Based Instruments) – Making your meat, poultry & fish safer by the hour
You would be surprised how many meals come with chicken, meat, fish, and their numerous processed forms, just name them. Who would not...
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The Food Scientist
Jun 2, 20241 min read
Rapid and non-destructive detection of ponceau 4R red colored pork
The characteristic colour of pork desired by consumers is a widespread phenomenon on the Ghanaian market that has led to some suspected...
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The Food Scientist
Jun 2, 20241 min read
Authenticating and quantifying crude palm oil Quality
Analytical techniques such as GC-MS and HPLC are benchmarks for determining vegetable oil adulteration but novel methods of oil...
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The Food Scientist
Jan 21, 20241 min read
Detecting Shrimp Powder Adulteration with Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Shrimp is a common seafood that is often processed into culinary powder by using only the abdomen of the shrimp. Some producers are...
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